Lessons are held weekly on Tuesday (6pm-9pm) and Thursday (6pm-9pm) evenings in the GSU Alley. All new members must attend Beginner level lessons upon joining BUDC. Invitations to join Intermediate and Advanced level lessons are determined based on experience and evaluation of skills. This permits a suitable and proper dance environment for the dancers, as well as the coaches. Approval from the President, Team Captain, and coaches is required to advance into higher levels.

Lesson Schedule 2023-24


Recommended for new dancers/open to all members. Your student instructors will teach you the basic steps of every dance, how to count music, and other essentials for a foundation in social ballroom dancing.
Open to all members who have completed the Beginner level classes. Your professional coaches will introduce new figures and steps following the syllabus for the Bronze level.
Open to all members who have completed the Intermediate level classes. Your professional coaches will introduce advanced figures following the syllabus for the Silver and Gold level.
If you have any questions regarding our lesson policies please contact us
Membership Pricing per Semester
Membership dues are paid once to cover the entire semester. If financial difficulties deter you from becoming a member of BUDC, please reach out to our Treasurer for assistance. Ballroom dancing can be an expensive sport, but BUDC hopes to make it accessible and enjoyable for anyone interested in participating.

New members: All new members receive their first two weeks of lessons FOR FREE.
Returning members: All returning members must submit payment within two
weeks of their first fall semester lesson.
All members: The collection of membership fees begins October 1, 2019.
Using BUDC floor space/practice space is free for all dancers as long as one person in the partnership is a BUDC member. Any questions or concerns regarding membership policies will be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
What to wear
Beginners are more than welcome to dance in whatever they feel comfortable in, such as socks, sneakers, or flats. If you desire to compete, it is recommended that you invest in a pair of ballroom or Latin shoes. Please see the competition section for more information.
Dress comfortably! Wear clothes that you can work out in. Some prefer looser fitting tops and leggings, while others opt for skirts or work out shorts to show leg and body movement.
Jeans and baggy sweatpants that hide leg movement would not be appropriate for a fast-paced dance class.